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WF Ganong's Map No. 12 on Pre-Contact Routes of Travel in the Province of New Brunswick and Northern Maine.
Copy Appearinged in: A Plan for the General History of the Province of New Brunswick, William F. Ganong, MA Phd., From The Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Second Series 1895-96, Vol. I, Sect II. John Durie & Sons, Ottawa: Copp-Clark Co., Toronto: Bernard Quaritch. london Englans. 1895.
Source: Archeives and Special Collections, Harriet Irving Library, University of New Brunswick
Alternative Publication: A monograph of historic sites in the province of New Brunswick. William F. Ganong, MA Phd. From The Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Second Series 1899-1900 Vol. V Section II.
Sammy Says: "I've tried, and tried, to get a better copy of this map. Efforts have included offering the NB Museum money, and offering to buy a copy of the original. Until I get a better copy, I hope you enjoy the following."
PS Matt Hopkinson owes me a backflip